Assault Fitness Is Improving More Than Just Fitness With Augmented Reality
Average engagement time
Conversion rate with LEVAR
(4.9% with LEVAR vs 0.8% without LEVAR)
(Return On AR Spend)
Founded in 2004, Assault Fitness designs, manufactures and supplies leading fitness equipment to strengthen, support, educate and inspire everyone from professional athletes to those just beginning their fitness journeys.

Assault Fitness sets the standard of the fitness industry
Whether designing elite fitness equipment or encouraging educational development, Assault Fitness promises to always uphold and elevate the standards of life for individuals and communities across the globe. Assault Fitness was spawned from a single, groundbreaking product – the Assault AirBike. They have since become a powerhouse in the CrossFit and combat sports communities.
3D and AR from LEVAR boosts Assault Fitness conversion rates
Prior to working with LEVAR, the Assault Fitness team had dabbled in 3D videos, but hadn’t explored options like augmented reality. Then LEVAR made it possible (and easy) to bring AR technology to their customers. AR provides Assault Fitness customers the ability to visualize their products in their own space, showing them just how easy continuing or starting their fitness lifestyle can be.

LEVAR Spotlight Viewer curates macro images and hero copy and adjusts the 3D Viewer camera angle to showcase the most important features of each bike or treadmill. Think of this as your retail salesperson for your website. It will put the user through the most important features & benefits of the product without a physical person guiding them. LEVAR data shows that when a user engages with Spotlight, they convert at 8x standard site traffic.
Without LEVAR
- With only photos and video, customers need to imagine what having their products will be like.
- Limited assets to utilize for marketing purposes.
- Shopping experience is expected and does not stand out over the competition.
- Standard site traffic does not end in a conversion.
- AR brings the products to your customer's space and have proved to show improved engagement.
- AR/3D improve results on your marketing channels.
- Use of AR on your product page increases the likelihood of users returning to your site by 4x.
- 3D/AR users convert 2x standard site traffic.
Because our products are larger pieces of equipment, people want to know if it will fit in their garage or in their living room without taking up too much space. AR is a perfect solution for people to space plan before making any commitment.
- The Assault Fitness team